August 5, 2024

Acquired FM Meetup in Seattle by Marcelo Calbucci

Meet my founder friend Marcelo Calbucci, who's about to release a must-read book—definitely worth following his work and connecting with him. This guy gets it. Marcelo's not only a serial entrepreneur, a true tech veteran who's seen it all, but he also understands the nuances and necessity of how sales & marketing works (woohoo!). How do I know? It took just a single thought-provoking question and a follow-up revealed his deep business acumen, spanning from startups to Fortune 500s. His honest and direct responses confirmed it all, and we shared a knowing nod and a professional chuckle. Game recognizes game.

Our quick exchange highlights how the depth and quality of questions reveal the character and expertise of individuals who are high performers and A+ talent. Never judge a book by its cover, because oh man.. merit & work experience never lies, it speaks volumes.

Fun fact: Marcelo’s favorite business history episode on the Acquired FM Podcast is about LVMH, while mine is about Costco.

Be sure to pre-order his book to tap into his invaluable insights. And when if you catch him on his book tour, do give him a nudge about his current startup in stealth mode so we can see his new company see the light of day, please and thank you! 🚀